Sunday, July 4, 2010

Good Night

Getting started on the work of the day, why is that often so much easier at night? My morning hours have been clear in the past. I understand the freshness of early sun; but lately I am found more full and fevered in the hours between 11PM and 3AM. The artist hours... the creative underbelly.

Is this a cop out? Or a making up for a disorganised or undisciplined day? That’s probably part of it... But there sure is something to be said for the time when the mind has rested and detangled the day’s events and is ready to process its happenings. When I have broken through the 7PM wall of tired I light up again at 9 or 10 and begin pottering around, making not much sense or work of anything until I finally sit at that sacred 11 and feel compelled to write (or to be honest, sometimes surf the internet and compare flight prices for fantasy trips).

It feels more likely I’ll find solace in the darkness. I’m more open to exploring the depth of my ideas in the night. I would rather wander around feeling for something in the black unsure of what it will be. Because although the morning promises hope, it also inspires this feeling of “How many of the 8000 things I want to accomplish will I even attempt to pick up today?”. The pressure I feel in the morning is so overwhelming sometimes, it cuts off my air supply and I need to take a break before the day has even begun.

I am told that the hours before sunrise are sacred hours, sattvic hours. This means that they are the most potently charged times. It sure would be nice to arise at dawn and go outside and feel the wet grass between my toes jostle my eyes open a little further. How to untangle this pattern? Sleeping pills crushed into tea at 8PM? A bold alarm at 6AM? I always pray that these kinds of re-alignments will occur naturally. And perhaps it will... or perhaps I need to kick my own ass or get some sort of child lock on my computer that activates itself at midnight each night.


  1. re-alignments do occur naturally (no child-proof lock required).
    late at night - between the hours 11pm and 3am - look up at the stars and know that you are awake, and inspired, and creating because you are meant to be, at that time, in that place.
    the stars do not illuminate, energize, or invigorate as does the sun. but they do guide and protect. they are pinpricks in the sky and they allow starshine to drip into those pockets of the soul that are parched and pleading.
    stars restore and replenish.
    embrace your starlit solace.

  2. How much of our lives do we sacrifice to sleep and why? Biology maybe, born out of seeking that quiet safe haven, though as mammals we probably evolved as nocturnal creatures. Those of us who sleep while awake are doubly sleep deprived or do I mean wake deprived? Be glad for your sleepless nights and let the fevered mind rest on cushions of darkness while the rods of your inner eye, bleached by daytime cares, awake to help you see the universe in all its infinite beauty.

